Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Too much of a good thing?

I was at a meeting the other night where a woman made a comment I haven't been able to get out of my mind. She said something to the tune of, "I don't believe in buying organic products when half the world is starving to death." At first I thought she had a good point. But, the more I've thought about it the more I see the faulty thinking. Here are some random but related thoughts I have:
1. While it looks different here than it does in third-world countries, Americans are starving as well. Certainly we don't appear to be starving, with the obesity rates. But, what about nutritionally? Aren't we starving ourselves TRUE nourishment? Are we not sicker and more infertile than we have ever been? I heard some shocking statistics recently...forgive my lack of footnotes...I can't remember where I read them. 25% of male college-age students are infertile. 40+% of women in child-bearing years are infertile. This says nothing of the vitality and health of the rest of us. We're diabetic, allergy-laden, brain-starved, and depressed...and dying off due to infertility.

2. I believe that we cannot fully minister to others in our current condition. Perhaps if I give my family not just organic, but truly nutritional foods, they will be better equipped to meet the needs of those around them and those around the world.

3. The industry that promotes cheap, processed, nasty food is corrupt and self-serving. Most of them know full well the hazards of eating their own food, and yet they promote it as being "healthy." As a believer I feel personally moved to support local, organic farmers sustain their lively-hood in producing safe, nutritional whole foods.

4. I am absolutely passionate about finding ways to get third-world countries food that will also nourish and promote life-long health! I have been learning more about ministries that do just that and will hopefully post on that soon!

I'd love to hear your thoughts. I don't think I'm right about everything, these are just my initial thoughts and ideas on the matter. Comment and let me know how you feel!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Food for thought

I decided to post my menu for the week today because I felt that Tuesday is a better day to start the week. Actually, no. I just forgot yesterday. So, I'm tired and a bit lazy so I'm just going to post our dinners. I think you probably get the idea of what we do for breakfast and lunch.

Monday: Spaghetti with rice pasta
Tuesday: Dinner at friends (grilled meat, salad)
Wednesday: Steak and rice (soaked in broth) with carrots, onions, asparagus, spinach
Thursday: Dinner at Matt's sisters house
Friday: Stuffed acorn squash and roasted brussel sprouts.
Saturday: leftovers for boys (Matt and I are at a friend's house)
Sunday: Lentil pancakes, green salad, squash

Some of the meals may seem to be repeats of last week but they're just ones we never go to last week! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Breakfast: Steel cut oats with walnuts, dried apples, and cinnamon. Smoothies
Lunch: leftover black bean soup
Dinner: Nachos with homemade salsa, black beans, cheese, avocado

Breakfast: Teff skillet bread with almond butter, smoothies
Lunch: leftover whatever from the fridge
Dinner: Grilled chicken with green beans, salad, and grilled potatoes

Breakfast: GF Pancakes, smoothies
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Spaghetti with salad

Breakfast: Oatmeal with peaches and agave, smoothies
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Grilled salmon, asparagus, curried quinoa

Breakfast: Potato/veggie/sausage skillet
Lunch: cabbage hash/leftovers

Breakfast: GF muffins, homemade turkey sausage
Lunch: Baked potato with salsa, avocado, cheese, beans
Dinner: Lentil Pancakes, roasted acorn squash, green salad

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Minestrone soup

Black bean soup

We played hookie from church this morning to stay home and rest. It's been a long busy week and the rest of today is crazy busy. So, in an effort to truly have a sabbath, we slept in and stayed home. We're still in our jammies and it's after noon! It's been great, but I had this hankering for some soup and I had the itch of creativity. So, I whipped up a little something I like to call black bean soup...I know, right? SO novel. Well, it's what I had on hand. I had planned to make it earlier in the week but never got around to it. I do have a recipe that is wonderful, but I didn't feel like going ALL THE WAY upstairs to get it, so I improvised. What came from it was so much better than the recipe I've been making for the last 2 years! I don't measure anything, so I'll do my best to get it down on paper.

Black Bean Soup
1 Onion, chopped
2 large carrots, chopped
2-3 stalks of celery, chopped
1/2 jalepeno, chopped (optional)
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped (I can't use this because Eliot's allergic, but it would have been SO good)
4-6 cups chicken broth (preferably homemade with chicken feet and marrow for healing properties) Also, 4 cups would make it thicker consistency, more would make it a bit more soupy.
3-4 cans black beans (I used dried ones that I'd prepared in advanced...probably 3-4 cups)
2 large potatoes
1 package of 4 fully cooked organic chicken or turkey sausage, diced into bite size pieces
2 tsp cumin
1 TBS mexican seasoning
salt or herbamare to taste

For toppings, any combination of the following:
organic raw cheddar or jack cheese
diced red onion
chile pepper, finely diced
sour cream

Saute onion, celery, jalepeno, garlic, and half the carrot on medium/high in olive or coconut oil for 5 minutes until onion is soft, about 5 minutes. Season with cumin, mexican spices, and salt. Stir. Add broth and half the beans (undrained if you want to have thicker soup). Bring to a boil and then turn down heat and simmer another 10 minutes. Take soup off heat and puree in blender or using immersion blender. Put back on the stove and add chopped potatoes, sausage, the rest of the carrot and black beans. Simmer on medium for 10-15 minutes until potatoes are fork tender. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary. If too thick, can add a bit more broth or water.
Serve in bowls and top with chopped cilantro, red onion, tomato, chili pepper, sour cream, and cheese...or any combination thereof!

It's a fiesta in your mouth! Seriously, I'm going down for another bowl! :) Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Guest Blogging

I've been a guest blogger all week at! Check it out to see what's cooking in my kitchen! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

I haven't posted a menu in a while. I want to start adding recipes, so if you've asked for a's coming! :) Here's a sneak peak into our nutrition for the week.

Breakfast: Hot cereal with peaches and almond milk smoothies
Lunch: Leftover Squash soup, salad, carrot sticks

Dinner: Mexican Millet/Amaranth casserole with chicken and veggies

Breakfast: GF muesli with nuts and dried fruits, smoothie
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Indian-style cabbage and beef with rice

Breakfast: Potato and veggies with bacon
Lunch: PBJ rice wraps to go, carrot sticks, apples
Dinner: Thai salmon soup, sauteed veggies

Breakfast: Teff pancakes wit almond butter, smoothies
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner: Birthday dinner for Matt..TBA

Breakfast: GF oatmeal, smothies
Lunch: Leftovers or soup from freezer
Dinner: steak, potato and salad (at Matt's parents)

Breakfast: GF muffins, apple and nut butter, smoothies
Lunch: Leftovers or soup from freezer
Dinner: Out for birthday with family (make something for boys)

Breakfast: GF oatmeal, smoothies, fruit
Dinner: Quick pizzas in toaster oven